Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Areas exposed to the noise of the departmental road 759 in Thouars over 24 hours (Lden) in Deux-Sèvres

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.05 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The European Directive on Strategic Noise Maps requires as a minimum the representation of the overall noise indicators Lden and Ln, for each source. These indicators correspond to the incident noise on the facades. The indicators represented are expressed in dB(A) and reflect a notion of overall discomfort or health risk. The data in this data set are related to the Lden indicator. “Lden" is an indicator of the overall noise level during a day (day, evening and night) used to qualify the discomfort associated with exposure to noise. It is calculated from the indicators "Lday", "Levening", "Lnight", "average noise levels over the periods 6h-18h, 18h-22h and 22h-6h. These are more precisely the isophone curves drawn in steps of 5 dB(A) from 55 dB(A) over a whole day. The data relates here to Rue Camille Pelletan, Boulevard Pierre Curie and Rue Gaston Cherau in Thouars en Deux-Sèvres. Articles L572-1 to 11 of the Environmental Code laying down various provisions for adaptation to Community law in the field of the environment and the implementing texts (Decree No 2006-361 of 24 March 2006, Decree of 4 April 2006 and Circular of 7 June 2007 on the drawing up of noise maps and plans for the prevention of environmental noise) provide for the indicators, the calculation methods to be used and the results I'm waiting for you. The data for this lot have been collected in accordance with these texts.
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