Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Capture Feeding Area (ACA) for PEA in Yvelines(78)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.27 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
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Dataset description

In response to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive, the Water and Aquatic Environments Act of 30/12/06 strengthened the control mechanisms for diffuse pollution of agricultural origin by creating protection zones for catchment feeding areas. The implementation of this new resource protection system leads to the delineation of catchment foraging areas (AAFCs, sometimes also referred to as catchment feeding basins or LACs) that include AAFC protection areas.For surface water abstraction, the AAFC is the sub-watershed upstream of the intake. For groundwater, a common national AAFC delineation methodology has been proposed. At the right of the methodological guide produced, the supply basin of an underground catchment is defined as the location of the points on the surface of the soil that contribute to the feeding of the catchment. Some catchment foraging areas are identified as priorities within the Water Management and Management Master Plans (WMPs) and measurement programs. A AAFC is thus defined, after a technical study, as the area from which the water supplies a close catchment or several catchments. The data shows the feeding areas of the catchments designated in the department of Yvelines by prefectural decrees.
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