Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Current constraints induced by storage of ICPE-classified waste in the Great East

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.01 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
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Dataset description

This dataset (JDD) is part of a data set that describes land use constraints related to anthropogenic risks, including, for each constraint, the government services or communities to be consulted. The initial target corresponds to those involved in the management of urban planning who wish to know these constraints in a given area of the Greater East region. The accuracy corresponds to the municipality. The current knowledge constraints induced by the storage of waste classified under ICPE correspond to the constraints associated with land use as a result of waste storage facilities under Classified Environment Facilities, which have not yet been the subject of a Public Utility Servitude Order. Restrictions on use are of the kind of risk of soil instability, potential accumulation of dangerous gases and groundwater pollution. A conservatory perimeter of 200 m around the facilities is to be considered. Since the associated constraints have not yet been brought to the attention of the mayors, DREAL would like to be consulted on projects potentially subject to constraints induced by these sites. The objective of the layer is to identify the current knowledge constraints induced by the storage of waste classified under ICPE, to make available the information described above, and in particular to direct any consultations to the relevant interlocutors. The data is intended for all persons who may consult the UDs and the SPRA on subjects related to anthropogenic risks, including the local authorities’ teaching services, the other departments of DREAL and the State, the notaries. Contact point: The agent of the Anthropic Risk Prevention Service (SPRA) in charge of operational planning. Name of the GIS layer: MU_DECHETS_EN_COURS_DREAL_R44.shp
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