Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Local Habitat Program in the Ardèche

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.27 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Zoning of all Local Habitat Program Perimeters (PLH) A PLH defines habitat policy in an intercommunal territory. It aims to meet housing needs (social or non-social, rental or not), to promote social diversity by ensuring a balanced and diversified distribution of housing supply within an inter-communal territory and indicates the means to achieve this. Its specific procedure implies that it is carried only by an EPCI with PLH competence in association with the State. A local habitat program typically lasts six years. The Molle Act of 29 March 2009 modifies the scope of the PLH by making it much more operational and requires the EPCI to detail the objectives to the municipality. The programme commits the State, the municipalities, the intercommunalities and, where appropriate, the general councils delegating stone aid. The measures shall be implemented by the operators: social housing organisations, private professional operators, landlords or landlords. These data contain only the PLHs being developed or in effect, with the old PLHs (i.e. those completed) being archived in a cancelled state. These data correspond to a description of a macroscopic PLH. The old PLHs (i.e. those that are finished) are to be archived in a ‘cancelled’ state and by adding to them an end date of validity.
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