Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Partial New-Aquitaine: Classified Environmental Protection Facilities (ICPE) subject to utility easement (SUP) — Location (on-site)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.29 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset contains the location of Classified Environmental Protection Facilities (ICPE) (on-site) subject to a utility easement (SUP) in New Aquitaine. PLEASE NOTE: this dataset is not complete on the New Aquitaine perimeter, it concerns the former Poitou-Charentes region. The Servitude d’Utilité publique (SUP) is an administrative limitation on the right to property and use of land. Adopted by the Prefect, it is binding on the owners of the land concerned and the local authorities when drawing up planning documents. Easement shall include, where necessary, the limitation of the use of the soil, subsoil or groundwater, the subordination of changes in such uses to the implementation of specific requirements, and provisions to ensure the implementation of site monitoring requirements. The implementation of SUP has its legal basis in Articles L. 515-8 to L. 515-12 of the Environmental Code. The procedure for establishing SUPs to the right to land polluted by the operation of a classified installation is defined by Articles R. 515-31-1 to R. 515-31-7 of the Environmental Code. The SUP decree is brought to the notice of the competent planning authority, which must attach this document to its local planning plan within the time limits laid down in Article L. 126-1 of the Code de l’Urbanisme (3 months). Publication in the Department responsible for Foncière Publication (SPF) provided for in Article 36.2 of the Decree of 4 January 1955 is carried out either by the prefect or by a notary made available by the operator.
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