Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Regulated zoning of the PPR Mouvements de Terrain in the commune of Meounes-LES-Montrieux (Var) Ancient PER

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.04.08 00:00
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WFS 1.1.0
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Dataset description

Regulated zoning of Risks Field Movements in the commune of Méounes-les-Montrieux. The Natural Disaster Compensation Act (No. 82-600 of 13/07/1982) was followed by the implementing decree of 3 May 1984 establishing risk exposure plans (PER). These included the prohibition of new constructions in the most exposed areas on the one hand, and special requirements for new constructions authorised in less exposed areas, combined with the requirement for work to reduce the vulnerability of the existing building, on the other hand. The Barnier Act of 1995 established the plans for the prevention of foreseeable natural hazards (PPRN) which replaced any other plan or device approved by the prefects (risk perimeter defined by article R111-3 of the urban planning code, Risk exposure plans, PSS Submersible Surface Plan... ). The Barnier Act aims to strengthen and unify preventive action. It further states that the procedures already approved are PPR. The Plan of Exposure to the foreseeable natural risks of field movements in the commune of Méounes-les-Montrieux was approved by prefectural decree of 26/02/1992. The PPR is a public utility bondage. Land subject to natural hazards in the commune of Méounes-les-Montrieux is classified into 2 types of zones, depending on the severity of the risks: — Red zones 1: areas in which new construction is prohibited with the exception of works of public interest — Zones 2 blue: areas in which all constructions are subject to risk recognition and the implementation of adapted parades As a reminder: only the paper document remains enforceable.
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