Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Regulatory zoning of the flood risk prevention plan by overflow of the Marne de Châlons-en-Champagne River — CAC sector

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.04 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

For natural PPRs, the Environmental Code defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed areas and areas that are not directly exposed to risks but where measures can be foreseen to avoid exacerbating the risk. Depending on the level of hazard and the issues, each area is subject to an enforceable regulation that sets out, in a clear and operational manner, the regulatory measures that apply to each of the restricted areas. The Regulation generally distinguishes five types of zones: 1. ‘Building prohibited areas’, referred to as ‘red areas’ or ‘pink areas’, depending on the level of hazard, in an area with little or no construction, or in an agricultural or natural area, then the general rule is the prohibition on construction; 2. “areas subject to requirements”, called “magentas zones” or “blue zones”, depending on the level of hazard in a built area, then the projects are subject to requirements adapted to the type of issue; 3. “white areas” not defined in the Regulation and for which the RPIP does not apply, as they are not subject to hazard. The identification of these homogeneous areas results in the development of a mapping of the regulatory zoning of the PPRi.
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