Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): Right-of-way of a freshwater body of Cantal

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.03 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
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Dataset description

Water bodies refer to a surface, open, natural or anthropogenic surface freshwater area of varying depths. The term “water body” covers a number of situations commonly referred to as lake, containment, pond, gravel, quarry or marsh.(Definition given by the Sander).By convention are not included in this layer water bodies corresponding to gravel or quarries during the period when they fall under the mining code.Water bodies are described by their use(s) according to a predefined usage typology.By convention, for the sake of consistency with Cascade, the typology “pisciculture” applies, irrespective of the species produced, to a use of the water body falling under either the regulations on ICPEs (heading 2130 of Decree 206-942 of 27 July 2006) when it regularly feeds and production exceeds 20T/year;- or Article L431-6 of the Code de l’environnement et de la police de l’eau (section of Decree 206-881 of 17 July 2006) if it there is no regular feeding or production less than 20T/year.A similar layer N_PLAN_EAU_P (#47) describes the centroids of water bodies.A layer N_AUTRE_PISCI_S describes off-water fish farms.
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