Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): State of play of the preparation of the Local Urban Planning Plans (PLU) in the Bouches-du-Rhône

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.11.09 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
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Dataset description

These data describe the progress of the development of PLU (general development or revision) in the Bouches-du-Rhône department. The available fields are as follows: — NOM_COMM: name of the town in upper case — INSEE_COMM: INSEE code of the municipality — TYPE_DOC: rules applicable to the municipality: Plu, POS or RNU (note: a PLUi is a PLU — the status of PLUi is the subject of another dataset) — TYPE_PROC: describes the ongoing procedure, e.g. whether a general revision occurs after partial cancellation (the values “PLU” and “PLUi” indicate that there is no ongoing procedure) — DATE_PRESC: date of municipal deliberation of limitation — DATE_ARRET: date of communal deliberation of the judgment — DATE_APPRO: date of communal deliberation of approval — DATE_EXECU: date of enforceability of the document — DATE_ABROG: date of the municipal deliberation of repeal Please note for the dates: the value “04/01/0001” indicates a lack of information — RNU: indicates whether the commune is under the UNR (entirely or partially) — GPU: whether the municipality has published its planning document on the geoportal of urban planning (CNIG = document in CNIG format but not published, CNIG GPU = document published in CNIG format, LOT CNIG = document not published but digitisation aided by the State, LOT CNIG GPU = document published on the basis of digitisation assisted by the State) — EPCI: EPCI belonging to the municipality, with the details of the territorial council for the metropolis Aix-Marseille-Provence — ST: DDTM13 Territorial Service These data shall be updated on a regular basis, i.e. at least once a month, except in the absence of changes. See also the website of the Geoportal of Urbanism:
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