Dataset Direct Download Service (WFS): * Surface plates related to easements of the PM2 category (ICPE) in Corrèze

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.01.27 00:00
Available languages
WFS 1.1.0
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Dataset description

PM2_ASSIETTE_SUP_S * DDT is not responsible for this data, it is published for information purposes. Dreal Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the manager Grade PM2 easements may be introduced: under Article L. 515-8, within a perimeter defined around an installation classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE), which is liable to create, by reason of the danger of explosion or the emanation of harmful products, very significant risks to the health or safety of neighbouring populations and to the environment (installations subject to authorisation with easements, referenced AS in the nomenclature of ICPEs annexed to Article R. 511-9 of the Environmental Code). These easements may include: — Prohibition or limitation on the right to set up buildings or structures, as well as the right to develop campgrounds or caravan parking, — making building permits subject to technical requirements aimed at limiting the danger of exposure to explosions or concerning the insulation of buildings from toxic fumes, — limitation of the number of employees employed in industrial and commercial facilities which would be created later. under Article L. 515-12: — on land polluted by the operation of an installation, — on the right-of-way at waste disposal sites or in a 200-metre strip around the area of operation, — or on the right-of-way of or around former quarries on surfaces the integrity of which requires respect for public safety and public health. In addition to the prohibitions and requirements listed in (a), these easements may include: — prohibition or limitation of changes in the condition of the soil or subsoil, — limitation of the use of soil, subsoil and groundwater, — subordination of these uses to the implementation of specific requirements, — implementation of site monitoring requirements. This resource describes the PM2 easement plates, namely: — the perimeters demarcated around installations and within those perimeters of areas in which easements can be applied flexibly, — parcels of land polluted by the operation of an installation, — the right-of-way at waste disposal sites or a 200-metre strip around the operating areas, — the right-of-way of old quarries or surfaces around these sites.
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