[DREAL OCCITANIA] Atlas of flooding areas by marine submersion Languedoc-Roussillon — linear developments

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Dataset description

The Digital Atlas of Marine Flooded Areas is based on available geomorphological, historical and topographical data. His approach is primarily based on geomorphological interpretation. Its objective is to identify the different entities: — beach, — coastal cord dunes, — coastal plain, — alluvial plain, — receiving training.... The demarcated areas from the lively beach to the boundary between the coastal and alluvial plains are areas that have been interpreted to be geomorphology, or have been controlled by marine submersion. The atlas represents an additional element of knowledge of hydraulic risk. The mapping produced is intended to alert planners, managers and project promoters about the existence of marine submersion and the need to take this hazard into account in their approaches. The definition of the different entities will allow a geomorphology approach in studies of marine submersion, but does not replace them. The study area of the Atlas of the Floodable Zones by Submersion Marine (AZISM) of Languedoc Roussillon is bounded by the 5 metre NGF level curve and the coastline from the IGN database “BD TOPO”. AZISM comprises the following layers: — the AZISM study area: r_azism_zone_etude_s_r76, hydrogeomorphology: — the hydrographic network (linear): r_azism_hydro_l_r76, — the surface hydrographic network: r_azism_hydro_s_r76, — the limits of capturing: r_azism_encissant_l_r76, — the receipts: r_azism_encissant_s_r76, — coastal and alluvial plains: r_azism_plaine_litto_et_alluv_s_r76, — area covered with salt water: r_azism_zone_marine_s_r76, natural obstacles: — the crests of dune: r_azism_crete_dune_l_r76, — dune cords: r_azism_cordon_dunaire_s_r76, artificial obstacles: — crossings: r_azism_element_occup_sol_p_r76, — linear layouts: r_azism_amenag_hydro_l_r76, — linear infrastructure and structures: r_azism_element_anthro_l_r76, — port and dike structures: r_azism_element_anthro_s_r76.
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