[DREAL OCCITANIA] PNA Desman of the Pyrenees — Area of Presence in Occitania

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‘National action plans for the conservation or recovery of the species referred to in Articles L.411-1 and L.411-2 and of species of pollinating insects shall be drawn up and after consultation with the public, implemented on the basis of the data of the relevant scientific institutes where justified by the biological situation of those species. These plans take into account economic, social and cultural requirements as well as the imperatives of national defence. The prescribed information shall also be available to them throughout the duration of the plans, in the relevant geographical areas. A decree shall specify, where necessary, the detailed rules for the application of this Article.’ The Desman des Pyrénées is a nationally protected species, as well as its habitats (Ministerial Decree of 23 April 2007). It is classified as “vulnerable” on the IUCN World Red List and “nearly Threatened” on the National Red List (2009). The purpose of this series of data on the presence of the Desman des Pyrénées is to simplify the taking of the species into account by simply consulting a map, prior to the production of inventories. It supports the initial state of the study area by facilitating the collection and analysis of existing data. It was developed on the basis of detection and non-detection data for the Desman des Pyrénées, and statistical modelling of the favourability of its habitat during the so-called historical (< 2005) and current (≥ 2005) periods. This set of data distinguishes, at the level of the hydrographic areas (small topographic watersheds) of the French Pyrenees, three classes which have been defined on the basis of the calculation of an indicator of presence: ‘White zone’: the Desman of the Pyrenees is considered absent historically and currently. The area is outside the range of the species. ‘Grey area’: the Desman of the Pyrenees is considered to be present at least historically. The current presence of Desman is potential. ‘Black area’: the Desman of the Pyrenees is considered present today. This dataset will be updated regularly by CEN MP and DREAL Occitanie. Thus, the date of export of the card must be specified in the file sent to the instructor services. For more information: www.desman-life.fr (Communication tools/Technical documents)
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