Easements — Table containing surface plates related to Grade A1 easements in Loir-et-Cher

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.07.31 00:00
Available languages
bois, sup, assiette a1, forêt soumise régime forestier, données ouvertes, protection, forêt, servitude
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Category T5 easements relate to aeronautical clearance easements established pursuant to articles L. 6351-1 1° and L. 6351-2 to L. 6351-5 of the Transport Code (formerly R. 241-1 to R. 242-3 of the Civil Aviation Code) These are easements, known as aeronautical clearing services, created to ensure the safe operation of aircraft, excluding radio easements. They are defined as: — by a plan of aeronautical alternate easements (PSA) drawn up for each aerodrome referred to in Article L.6350-1 (1) and (2) of the Transport Code (formerly R. 241-2 of the Civil Aviation Code), — or by provisional safeguard measures which may be implemented in the event of an emergency, before being included in an approved SAAP. These aeronautical clearance easements shall include: — the prohibition of creating or the obligation to modify or even remove obstacles which may constitute a danger to air traffic or which are harmful to the operation of safety devices (blow, radio or meteorological) established in the interest of air navigation, — the prohibition on carrying out major repairs or improvements on buildings and other works subject to aeronautical easement, exempted from the building permit without authorisation from the administrative authority. This resource describes the surface plates of grade T5 easements, namely clearance surfaces: — area bounded by the support perimeter; — landing hole; — take-off hole; — lateral surfaces; — inner horizontal surface; — conical surface; — complementary surfaces associated with precision landings (obstructed areas)
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