Haut-de-France — Invasive exotic plants (Modern period — By mesh)

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Maille 1 km², Période moderne (depuis 2000), Plantes vasculaires, Plantes exotiques envahissantes, Flore, Bryophytes
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Dataset description

Number of invasive alien plants (vascular plants and Bryophytes) per 1 km² for the Hauts-de-France region, observed since 2000 Description of content This layer specifies the number of invasive alien plant species (vascular plants (Fougères and Seed Plants) and Bryophytes) observed after 31/12/1999 for the five departments of Hauts-de-France (02, 59, 60, 62, 80). The term “invasive alien plants” (now preferred to “invasive plants”) applies to exotic plants, generally naturalised (statut N or Z), resulting in significant changes in ecosystem composition, structure or functioning by their proliferation in natural or semi-natural environments. Economic impacts (neck for navigation, fishing, leisure) or health impacts (toxicity, allergic reactions, etc.) are frequently added to these ecological nuisances. Pending a unified national methodology, the selection of invasive alien species (verified or potential) for Hauts-de-France and Haute-Normandie is mainly based on the national synthesis of S. MÜLLER (2004) and national and international databases, supplemented by some proven or anticipated regional cases not dealt with at national level. N.B.: some exotic taxa considered invasive in some neighbouring regions but for the most part long-established and not a priori having any significant environmental or economic impacts have been excluded from the regional list. They were most often ruderal species (e.g. Berteroa incana, bunias orientalis, Galinsoga quadriradiata, etc.). Taxon is considered to be an invasive alien plant in areas close to or anticipated as such in the area concerned, where it is either invasive in habitats of heritage interest or impacting threatened plant species at regional or national level, or affecting health, economy or human activities. Taxon is considered to be a potential invasive alien plant in areas close to or anticipated as such in the region concerned: No significant impacts on heritage habitats, regional or nationally threatened plant species, or on health, economics or human activities have so far been identified or anticipated in the region. Data awarded [Libel] mesh: 1 km² UTM mesh label. Number of EEAs [nbre_ap]: number of invasive alien plant species (vascular plants (Fewages and Seed Plants) and Bryophytes) that have been observed on the mesh since 2000. Number of proven EEAs [nbre_a]: number of invasive alien plant species (vascular plants (Fewages and Seed Plants) and Bryophytes) found and observed since 2000 on the mesh. Number of potential EEAs [nbre_p]: number of invasive alien plant species (vascular plants (Fewages and Seed Plants) and Bryophytes) that have been observed on the mesh since 2000. List of species [listtaxes]*: lists of invasive alien plant species (vascular plants (Fewages and Seed Plants) and Bryophytes) that have been observed in the mesh since 2000. *see additional information and codifications used on: https://digitale.cbnbl.org/aide/Digitale2_ListeEspecesDescription.pdf
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