List of municipalities of Saône and Loire as of 01/01/2019 with or without belonging to a rural revitalisation zone 2017.

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.01.18 00:00
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Dataset description

Rural Revitalisation Areas (RZs) are designed to assist the development of rural territories mainly through fiscal and social measures. Specific measures for economic development shall apply. The aim is to concentrate state aid measures for job-creating enterprises in the less populated rural areas most affected by demographic and economic decline. The ZRRs were created by the Law of Orientation for the Planning and Development of the Territory (LOADT) of 4 February 1995. The Interministerial Committee on Territorial Planning and Development (CIADT) on 3 September 2003 set out new guidelines for adapting this tool to current needs. The corresponding provisions are laid down in the Law on the Development of Rural Areas of 23 February 2005 and Decree No. 2005-1435 of 21 November 2005.The list establishing the classification of municipalities as ZRR is drawn up and revised each year by order of the Prime Minister in the light of the creations, abolitions and alterations of the boundaries of EPCIs with own taxation established on 31 December of the previous year.
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