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Local Plan of Intercommunal Urbanism (PLUi) approved by deliberation of the Rennes Métropole Council of 19/12/2019.
Last Update (MJ n°5) by order of the President of Rennes Métropole of 21/03/2022.
The PLUi regulation consists of a literal regulation and a graphic regulation that complement each other. The literal regulation sets out the rules applicable to each of the areas that are located on the graphic regulation.
* The literal regulation includes definitions of terms derived from the national lexicon, which is sometimes adapted to the local context; implementing rules; graphic provisions applicable to all areas; provisions applicable to all urban areas (U) supplemented by provisions specific to each urban area; literal provisions applicable to all areas; area-specific provisions.
* The graphic regulation consists of zoning plans at different scales depending on whether the parts of the territory are urbanised or not. They cover the whole territory. In order to ensure the readability of the many information provided on these plans, specific plans provide specific topics: heights, ground right-of-way, vegetative coefficient, parking, and rules of social balance of the habitat. It also includes detailed plans for certain islands which either supplement certain provisions of the graphic regulation or the literal regulation or replace certain rules of the literal regulation. These plans sometimes indicate the heights, right-of-way or construction areas, rules of establishment or scheduling or other specific rules to be complied with. They are indicated (d). It includes mass plans on certain sectors or islands. These planes indicate the heights and the right-of-way or construction areas sides in 3 dimensions. They are indexed (m). It also includes peeling plans. These plans indicate the heights to be respected. They are indicated. The provisions of the graphic regulation and their effects are detailed in the dedicated chapter of this Regulation.
The general organisation of the PLUi is based on the nomenclature provided for in the Urban Planning Code in Articles L151-9 et seq.: 9 categories of urban areas (7 mixed, and 2 specific); 2 areas to be open to urbanisation (1AU and 2AU); 2 natural and forest areas (NP and N). Zone N comprises two specific sectors and construction sectors of limited size and capacity; 1 agricultural area A including construction areas of limited size and capacity. The zoning is determined on the basis of the initial state of the environment and the project on agricultural, natural and forestry areas and the intersection between the existing atmospheres and the objectives of evolution of the urbanised or to be urbanised areas, which made it possible to determine the desired urban environments.
Details of GIS data entry: The reference database for the entry of geographical information from the plans of the graphic regulation is the data ©DGFiP with the exception of the thematic stormwater infiltration plans (BRGM data) and some detailed plans. The spatial information of the plans is entered on 1/2000th, with accuracy to the nearest metre, on the bottom of the plans of the building and the land plot. ©DGFiP 2017. This background of reference plan, which supports the input on GIS, is occasionally supplemented by additional built-in information from the local “base of reference plan” of Rennes Métropole (e.g. names of paths and paths from the “referential paths and addresses (RVA)”). A shift in the geographical representation of information is sometimes made voluntarily to make the plans more readable. Thus, some data represented according to a linear geometry (the EBCs, EIPEs, plantations or open spaces to be realised, location easements and localisation principles), precisely captured on a cadastral background like the other data from the zoning plan at 1/2000, are sometimes displayed with a voluntary shift for a better readable information which overlaps. For example, if a classified wooded area (EBC) is located on a parcel limit ©DGFiP, and the prescribed zoning is also positioned in the same location, a voluntary offset to the left or right of the line of the EBC parcel boundary is applied to display “above” or “above” the precise zoning line.
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