Map Viewing Service (WMS) of the dataset: Decisions and opinions of the Regional Environmental Authorities for plans and programmes in Île-de-France

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.03.02 00:00
Available languages
WMS 1.3.0, WMS 1.1.1
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Contextualisation: Environmental assessment is used to formalise and improve the integration of the environment into public and private strategies, be it projects (industry, concerted planning area,...) or planning documents (local planning plan, master plan for water management, etc.). It is fully involved in the implementation of the Environmental Charter enshrined in the French Constitution: “Article 2 Everyone has a duty to take part in the preservation and improvement of the environment. Article 3 Every person must, under the conditions laid down by law, prevent damage to the environment or, failing that, limit its consequences. [...] Article 6 Public policies must promote sustainable development. To this end, they reconcile environmental protection and development, economic development and social progress. Article 7 Everyone shall have the right, subject to the conditions and limits laid down by law, to access environmental information held by public authorities and to participate in the preparation of public decisions affecting the environment.’ Description of the resource: The environmental impact assessment of projects, plans/programmes and planning documents shall be subject to the public opinion of a ‘competent environmental authority’: the environmental authority. The environmental authorities were created by Decree No. 2009-496 of 30 April 2009. Decree n°2016-519 of 28 April 2016 created the regional missions of environmental authority (MRAe). DRIEAT, as the regional department responsible for the environment, supports the various competent regional environmental authorities in carrying out their tasks (MRAe, prefects of departments until 2016, prefect of the region). This resource L_AE_PP_S_R11 is the geographic layer dedicated to plans and programmes that have given rise to opinions or decisions from regional environmental authorities. The geographic layer L_AE_PR_S_R11 is complementary to this resource for project data. The L_AE_PRPP_NON_GEOL file is associated with this resource, which lists opinions and decisions on projects, plans and programs that have not been geolocated in this version. Opinions and decisions may concern one or more municipalities, as such, this resource transcribed communal or multi-communal boundaries according to the number of municipalities concerned. This data is derived from the Garance platform acting as a state monitoring support for the formalisation of opinions and decisions, which are also available on the website of MRAE d’Île-de-France on the French regional perimeter.
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