Map Viewing Service (WMS) of the dataset: Noise exposure zones where the Lden indicator (day, evening, night) is between 60 dB(A) and 65 dB(A) in Finistère

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.01.25 00:00
Available languages
WMS 1.1.1, WMS 1.3.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Noise exposure areas where the Lden indicator (day, evening, night) is between 60 dB(A) and 65 dB(A) for roads with annual traffic exceeding 3 million vehicles in Finistère. N_BRUIT_ZBR_INFRA_A_LD60_S_029 This layer is part of a set of 12 layers concerning noise mapping of the Finistère road network, third deadline, pursuant to Articles R 572-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code. — 5 layers of 24-hour exposure ranging from 55 dB(A) to 75 dB(A) and above, in steps of 5 in 5 dB(A) in Lden (This layer: zones 60 to 65) — 5 layers of night exposure ranging from 50 dB(A) to 70 dB(A) and above, in steps of 5 in 5 dB(A) in Ln — 1 layer of exceedance over 24 hours: Lden > 68 dB(A) — 1 layer of overtaking at night 22h to 06:00: LN > 62 dB(A) Attached hereto you will find Prefectural Decree No 2018348-0002 of 14 December 2018 establishing noise maps for road infrastructure with annual traffic exceeding 3 million vehicles, in the department of Finistère (3 rd deadline) The purpose of these maps is to inform and sensitise the public about their exposure to noise pollution. They shall provide the competent authorities with objective diagnostic elements to underpin future actions, in particular in the areas of excessive noise exposure. These noise maps are drawn up with harmonised indicators for all modes of transport at European level. — The Lden indicator: representative of the average sound level over all 24 hours of the day — Indicator Ln: representative of the average noise level for the night period from 22h to 6h — DB(A) is a unit of measurement expressing a level of intensity (decibel) weighted according to the physiological characteristics of the human ear. There are 4 types of noise maps provided for in European Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 on the assessment and management of environmental noise Type A — Lden maps (day noise exposure cards) according to the Lden indicator (day, evening, night, (24 hours)). These maps show noise-exposed areas using isophone curves ranging from 55 dB(A) to 75 dB(A) and above, in steps of 5 in 5 dB(A) Type A — Ln cards (night noise exposure cards) according to the Ln indicator (night indicator from 22h to 6h). These maps show noise-exposed areas using isophone curves ranging from 50 dB(A) to 70 dB(A) and above, in steps of 5 in 5 dB(A) Type C cards — Lden: (cards of exceedance of limit values over 24h) Maps of areas where the Lden indicator (day, evening, night) exceeds the limit value of 68 dB(A) (concerns residential, educational and health buildings) Type C cards — Ln: (overtaking cards of limit values at night) Zone maps or indicator Ln (night) exceeds the limit value of 62 dB(A) (concerns residential, educational and health buildings)
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