Dataset information
Available languages
WMS 1.1.1, WMS 1.3.0
Dataset description
The European Directive 2002/49/EC of 25 June 2002 on the assessment and management of environmental noise aims at a harmonised assessment of exposure to noise in the Member States. It defines them as representations of data describing a noise situation according to a noise indicator, indicating exceedances of limit values, the number of persons exposed. (Article 3 of the Decree of 24 March 2006 and Article 7 of the Decree of 4 April 2006). Noise maps are not prescriptive. These are information documents that are not legally enforceable. As graphic elements, however, they can supplement a Local Planning Plan (LDP).
As part of an Urban Travel Plan (UDP), maps can be used to establish baselines and target areas where better traffic management is needed. To quantify the level of noise emitted by an infrastructure over an average day, two indices are used, the Lden index and the Ln index, recommended for all modes of transport at European level:
— Lden: representative indicator of the average level over all 24 hours of the day,
— LN: representative indicator of the average sound level for the period 22h-6h. (average noise equivalent night)
Noise levels are assessed using digital models (computer software) incorporating the main parameters that influence noise and its propagation (traffic data, field topology, meteorological data, etc.). The noise maps thus produced are then cross-checked with the demographic data of the areas concerned in order to make an estimate of the population exposed to noise pollution. The noise level shown on the noise maps is derived from a calculation method which gives approximate values and often higher than reality (maximists) in a noise area considered critical. An in situ noise control can determine precisely the noise to which a construction and its occupants may be exposed.
Noise exposure cards (type A card) day.
It is a map representing (for the year of preparation of the maps), the areas exposed to more than 55 decibels (only for type A cards) in Lden or LDA (day).
There are the right-of-way of the various noise zones ranging from 55 decibels to 75 decibels on the main road infrastructure of the department of the Pyrénées Atlantiques.
The roads concerned have been selected in accordance with the Prefectural Decree approving strategic noise maps of the Land Transport Infrastructures whose annual traffic is more than 3 million vehicles in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques department. (Prefectural decree of 12 October 2018 n°64-2018-10-12-001).
— national motorways granted A63 and A64
— national N134
— departmental D2 D6 D9 D33 D37 D281 D309 D501 D635 D802 D810 D811 D817 D834 D911 D912 D918 D932 D936 D938 D943 D947
— several communal routes of the municipalities of Anglet, Bayonne, Biarritz, Billère, Bizanos, Gelos, Hendaye, Idron, Jurançon, Lescar, Lons, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Pau, Saint-Jean-de-Luz
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