Map Viewing Service (WMS) of the dataset: SUP EL3 — Meurthe-et-Moselle haulage and footstep service

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.10.15 00:00
Available languages
WMS 1.1.1, WMS 1.3.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The generator of a public easement is a geographical entity whose nature or function induced, by virtue of regulations, constraints on the way the land is occupied on the surrounding land. The disappearance or destruction on the site of the generator does not result in the removal of the easement(s) associated with it. Only a new act of annulment or repeal by the competent authority may legally remove the effects of the easement(s) in question. Category EL3 easements relate to towing and walking easements (inner navigation), i.e. * Walking easements: The riparian properties of a watercourse or a federal lake are encumbered on each bank by a 3,25 metre easement, known as a walkway easement. This easement prohibits riparian landowners from planting trees or closing by hedges or otherwise. * Towing easements: Easement in respect of federal watercourses where there is a tow or operating road of interest to the navigation service. The easement strikes the properties in a space of 7.80 meters wide along the edges of these federal watercourses, as well as on the islands where it is needed. Riparian owners may not plant trees or close by hedges or otherwise only at a distance of 9.75 metres on the edges where there is a towing or operating path. * Servitudes for the use of fishermen: On the encumbered lands there are walk and tow easements, a so-called “fisherman’s use” easement. Article L2131-2 of the CGPPP provides that “Any owner, tenant, farmer or holder of a right in rem, riparians of a watercourse or a federal lake shall be required to leave the land encumbered by that walkway for the use of the manager of that watercourse or lake, fishermen and pedestrians.” By decision of the administrative authority, the right referred to in the preceding subparagraph may exceptionally be abolished either for reasons of general interest or for safety reasons where the banks are included in industrial establishments. This resource describes linear generators of EL3 easements, namely: — federal watercourses — the state lakes — the islands of federal watercourses
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