Dataset information
Available languages
WMS 1.1.1, WMS 1.3.0
Dataset description
These are easements resulting from the establishment of Predictable Natural Risk Prevention Plans (NPRPs) and Mine Risk Prevention Plans (PPRMs) established pursuant to Articles L. 562-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code.
PPRNPs are intended to prevent natural hazards such as floods, terrain movements, avalanches, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms or cyclones.
The PPRMs are intended to prevent the following mining risks: subsidence, collapse, fontis, flooding, dangerous gas emissions, soil or water pollution, emissions of ionising radiation.
These plans delineate:
• areas exposed to risks in which construction, works, developments and operations are prohibited or subject to requirements;
• areas not directly exposed to the risks in which constructions, works, developments and operations are prohibited or subject to description because they are likely to aggravate the risks or cause new ones.
In these areas, the plans define:
• the preventive, protective and safeguard measures to be taken by public authorities within the scope of their powers, as well as those which may be incumbent on individuals;
• measures relating to the development, use or exploitation of existing buildings, structures, planted or planted areas at the date of approval of the plan to be taken by owners, operators or users.
The generator of a public easement is a geographical entity whose nature or function induced, by virtue of regulations, constraints on the way the land is occupied on the surrounding land.
The disappearance or destruction on the site of the generator does not result in the removal of the easement(s) associated with it. Only a new act of annulment or repeal by the competent authority may legally remove the effects of the easement(s) in question.
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