Map Viewing Service (WMS) of the dataset: Table containing surface plates related to grade JS1 easements in Pas-de-Calais

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.11.22 00:00
Available languages
WMS 1.1.1, WMS 1.3.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Title: Table containing surface plates related to grade JS1 easements in Pas-de-Calais Description: Category JS1 easements concern easements for the protection of sports equipment. The total or partial abolition of private sports equipment the financing of which has been provided by one or more legal persons governed by public law in respect of at least 20 % of the expenditure liable to be subsidised or, in the absence of such expenditure, 20 % of the total cost net of tax of the sports equipment and the modification of its allocation shall be subject to the authorisation of the legal person governed by public law which has participated alone or has participated for the most part in that financing. The opinion of the mayor of the municipality where the equipment is located is attached to the application for authorisation. Such authorisation shall be subject to the condition that such equipment be replaced by equivalent sports equipment. Any change in the assignment in the absence of authorisation shall give rise to the right to repay to the person or legal persons governed by public law mentioned above all the subsidies received. This resource describes the surface plates of the easements of category JS1, i.e. all buildings and land identified as generators (multi-surface), or the sports enclosures corresponding to the cadastral parcels and encompassing all the equipment Source: —NR— Vintage: 19/11/2021
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