Map Viewing Service (WMS) of the dataset: Territorial Coherence Scheme (SCoT) for Yvelines

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.27 00:00
Available languages
WMS 1.1.1, WMS 1.3.0
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Territorial Coherence Schemes (SCoT) replaced the master plans, pursuant to the law “Solidarity and Urban Renewal” (SRU) of 13 December 2000. The SCoT is the tool for designing and implementing inter-communal strategic planning, at the scale of a large basin of life or urban area, as part of a sustainable development and development project (SDP). The SCoT is intended to serve as a reference framework for the various sectoral policies, in particular those focusing on issues of spatial organisation and urban planning, housing, mobility, commercial development and the environment. It shall ensure its consistency, as well as ensure the consistency of the inter-communal sectoral documents: local Intercommunal Urban Planning Plans (PLUi), Local Housing Programmes (PLH), Urban Displacement Plans (UDPs), and LLUs or communal maps drawn up at the communal level. The SCoT must respect the principles of sustainable development: principle of balance between urban renewal, controlled urban development, rural development and the preservation of natural areas and landscapes; the principle of diversity of urban functions and social diversity; principle of respect for the environment. The SCoT contains 3 documents: a presentation report, including an environmental assessment and diagnosis the Sustainable Development and Development Project (SPD) the guidance document and objectives (DOO), which is enforceable against the PLUi and PLU, PLH, PDU and communal maps, as well as the main development operations (ZAD, ZAC, subdivisions of more than 5 000 m², land reserves of more than 5 ha...)
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