Morphology and urban atmosphere 2016 on Rennes Métropole

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.12.30 00:00
Available languages
morphologie, structure-urbaine, document-durbanisme, urbanisme
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This layer of fragmentary information on the urban morphology of the Rennes Métropole territory presents the forms and characteristics of a city (roadways, parcel cutting, uses) and the phenomena that are at the origin of it (topography, history, urban planning rules...) identified in 2016. It is a morphological diagnosis based on the analysis of urban forms and free spaces participating in the feeling of the urban atmosphere of a neighborhood. This zoning characterises the urban atmospheres of the territory and feeds the narrative of the development of urbanisation. It makes it possible to understand the different phases of the evolution of the territory presented in the presentation report (tome 3) of the PLUi of Rennes Métropole. These zonings served as a support for the elaboration of the zoning of the graphic regulation of the 43 municipalities of the PLUi drawn up in 2016 and approved on 19/12/2019. This data identifies six types of urban atmospheres determined in all 43 communes of Rennes Métropole: (1) town centres, city centres and squares; (2) houses and gardens; (3) buildings and surroundings; (4) activity parks; (5) the campaign: (6) Historical and landscaped ensembles. (1) town centres, city centres and squares: Original urban core consisting of buildings often organised around a structuring public space (church, crossing of ancient roads, square,...). The urban atmosphere of downtown/bourg centre integrates historical fabrics and new fabrics from more or less recent operations. It may include urban renewal operations or programmes. The main facilities, schools, town hall, media library participate in the role of the city centre/bourg center by offering services to the inhabitants. The shops also contribute to the dynamism of the city centre/bourg centre. Buildings, some of which have a heritage character bordering certain old roads starting from the centre or historic hamlets caught up by urbanisation, take part in the identity of the town centre/city centre. (2) Houses and gardens: Land division into lots with construction of urban pavilion forms. It is a residential atmosphere very represented in the municipalities. The pavilion offers a simple one-to-two-storey habitat model for the most part, with the presence of a garden. The lots are juxtaposed to each other with a plane of homogeneous or non-homogeneous composition. It is therefore an overall operation of several lots. In addition, land divisions have made it possible to build spontaneous individual houses. The settlements in relation to the pathways are varied with a hindsight and a more or less important terrace. 3) Buildings and surroundings: Large plots on which one or more buildings of varying shapes and heights are located. This family qualifies the different collectives present in the districts of the communes (co-ownerships, large ensembles, collectives on the street with activities on the ground floor, collectives in recent development operations...). These can be implanted in a free space (green or mineral) sometimes according to a plan of composition internal to the plot. This family also covers collectives ordered on the street in the form of very constituted islets. Sports and cultural facilities in the neighbourhoods are also spotted in this family in view of their establishment on large open grounds (on the neighborhood) more or less vegetal or mineral. (4) Activity parks: This family refers to specific spaces built since the 1960s for commercial, industrial, craft, services and tertiary activities including various urban forms. These fabrics occupy strategic sites and are by their function separate from other residential urban fabrics. They are structured by a traditional network of tracks and occupy a large area of land located close to the large infrastructure of the territory. They are often large plots with more or less occupation by constructions, heavily waterproofed with little vegetation. (5) the campaign: The rural part is very represented in the municipalities. It participates in the landscape diversity of the municipalities and their identities. Apart from the bocager landscape, cereal or marshes fields, wetlands, etc., the “campaign” family consists of historic hamlets with their surroundings built along rural roads, various individual constructions (isolated or grouped) resulting from divisions of old agricultural parcels and farms, hangars linked to an agricultural holding. Some old manor-style buildings, castles with their estates also contribute to the diversity of the landscape of this “campaign”. (6) Historical and landscaped ensembles: It is an area with a historical character of the building and landscape qualities. Concept of overall composition “building + vegetable”. Cemeteries, castles, mansions and mansions with estate, old schools,... are concerned. This family also identifies “enclosed” areas such as barracks, former convents. Homogeneous urban ensembles such as the “garden cities” of Gaston Bardet will be part of this family of “domain” atmosphere.
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