Municipalities 2019 subject to the Montagne Law of 1985 — Metropolitan France

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Loi Montagne, PacInno, Cerema
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Dataset description

Commissioned by the DHUP (Office of Urban Planning Legislation), Cerema carried out an update on 1 January 2019 of the list of municipalities concerned by the application of the planning provisions of the Mountain Law (Law No 85-30 of 9 January 1985 on the development and protection of mountain areas, Law No 2016-1888 of 28 December 2016 on modernisation, development and protection of mountain areas). Currently, the list of these municipalities is defined by the decrees of 20 February 1974 (amended by the Decree of 2 March 1974), 28 April 1976, 18 January 1977, 13 November 1978, 29 January 1982, 20 September 1983, 14 December 1984 and 25 July 1985. This map layer based on Admin Express COG 2019® is up to date with all the events that occurred on the municipalities as they are referenced by the Official Geographic Code as of January 1, 2019 (mergers, changes of names, creations, recovery, fusion — association, etc.). The list has been validated by the Departmental Directorate of the Territory of the department concerned. The [comments] field summarises the difficulties encountered, the interpretations adopted and the details of the parts of municipalities as set out in the by-laws for partially zoned municipalities. The Cerema book: — a table of the lists of municipalities as entered in the above decrees, — a municipal map layer of municipalities on 1 January 2019 in accordance with the Official Geography Code (COG INSEE) on 1 January 2019 which takes into account the mergers and restorations of municipalities between the classification orders and 1 January 2019, — an infra-communal cartographic layer of application of this zoning. sources:
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