Orthophotographs LIDAR 2014 French territory Grand Geneva

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
orthophotographie aérienne, Données génériques, images et cartes de base, CD Ain, Ortho-imagerie, territoire français Grand Genève, Données physiques
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Dataset description

Orthophotographs 2014 colour of the French territory of Greater Geneva linked to the acquisition of LIDAR data 2014 (Department of Ain and Department of Haute Savoie) The study area corresponds to the perimeter of the Franco-Valdo-genevoise agglomeration and its immediate periphery, particularly at the head watershed level, in order to maintain overall coherence (2 000 km² in total Switzerland and France). The project to acquire remote sensing data (MNT and MNE) will be carried out on the perimeter of the agglomeration project on the French side (1 400 km²), which concerns two departments in the Rhône-Alpes region: the department of Ain and the Haute Savoie department will come to aggregate with the Swiss data. At least 116 municipalities are involved in 9 communities of municipalities: CC of Gex Country, CC Beaugardian Basin, CC. Geneva, CC Arve and Salève, CC Pays Rochois, CC. Faucigny-Glières, CC Bas Chablais, CC. Hills of Leman, CA.Annemasse Agglo and the commune of Thonon les Bains These files are made available by the Department of Ain and are free of use and right, subject to the following logos: the Department of Ain, the Canton of Geneva, Europe INTERREG IV France Switzerland, the Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerranée Corse and the department of Haute Savoie. The Act of Commitment and the logos of the partners are available on the link “Internet Address (URL)” of the fiche. The undertaking must be completed, signed and sent to the Observatory and Geomatics Service of the Departmental Council of Ain (CD 01) (contact details of the metadata).
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