Protection areas related to the easements of historic monuments (AC1) listed and classified in Charente.

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.02.24 00:00
Available languages
données ouvertes, monuments historiques, ac1
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Surface objects of protection areas related to easements of category AC1 (historical monuments) as defined by the Heritage Code Article L621-2 The basis of an easement is the geographical area within which the easement applies. Any other building, naked or built, visible from the first or visible at the same time, and situated within a perimeter not exceeding 500 metres, shall be considered to be within the field of visibility of a building classified or proposed for classification. Exceptionally, this perimeter can be extended to more than 500 metres. A decree of the Conseil d’État, made after the opinion of the Higher Commission of Historical Monuments, will determine the monuments to which this extension applies and define the scope of protection specific to each of them. When drawing up or revising a local urban planning plan, the 500-metre perimeter may, on the proposal of the architect of the Buildings de France and after the agreement of the municipality, be modified so as to designate sets of buildings and spaces that contribute to the environment of the monument in order to preserve their character or contribute to improving their quality. The perimeter is subject to public investigation in conjunction with the local planning plan. It is annexed to the local planning plan under the conditions laid down in Article L. 126-1 of the Urban Planning Code.
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