Regional Ecological Coherence Scheme (SRCE) of the Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2014.05.13 00:00
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Dataset description

Regional Ecological Coherence Schemes (SRCEs) are framework documents developed in each region, updated and jointly monitored by the region (Regional Council) and the State (DREAL or DRIEE) in association with a regional committee on green and blue trames. They identify the regional green and blue frame, define the objectives of preserving and restoring the elements of this frame and provide for measures and actions to achieve these objectives. Pursuant to Article R. 371-29 of the Environmental Code, each SRCE shall comprise a cartographic atlas composed in particular of: — a mapping of the elements of the regional green and blue frame at a scale of 1/100.000; — a mapping of the preservation or restoration objectives assigned to the elements of the green and blue frame at a scale of 1/100.000, identifying the main obstacles to the functionality of ecological continuitys; — a schematic regional summary map of the elements of the green and blue frame; — a mapping of the priority actions included in the strategic action plan. The elements to be included in the maps provided for in this Article are specified by the framework document adopted pursuant to Article L. 371-2 of the Environmental Code. The Environmental Code stipulates that the SRCE must be taken into account by: — planning documents and projects of the State, local and regional authorities and their groupings, as part of their revision or preparation. Urban planning documents (SCOT and PLU), SAGE and SDAGE are particularly targeted by this consideration; — linear transport infrastructure projects of the State, — projects submitted for impact assessment.
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