Regulated zoning of the anticipated PPRI in the commune of LA CRAU (Var)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2016.07.07 00:00
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Dataset description

The Risk Prevention Plans (P.P.R) codified in Articles L 562-1 to L 562-7 and R 562-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code, relating to the prevention of foreseeable natural hazards, the implementation of which is governed by Decree No 95-1089 of 5 October 1995, constitute one of the tools for the implementation of the State policy on flood prevention, which was redefined in the Interministerial Committee of 24 January 1994. This legislative and regulatory framework was supplemented by the Act of 30 July 2003. A flood risk prevention plan for the Gapeau River was mandated on 11 February 1999 and initially approved on 19 January 2004. However, this approval was the subject of several proceedings before various administrative courts which led on 13 March 2014 to the annulment of the PPR by decision of the Marseille Administrative Court of Appeal. On 26 November 2014, a new prefectural decree prescribed the preparation of the plan for the prevention of natural flood risks linked to the presence of the Gapeau and its main tributaries in the commune of LA CRAU. In view of the urgency of regulating the areas identified at risk, certain provisions were made immediately enforceable by prefectural order on 30 May 2016.
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