Simple download service (Atom) of the data package: [DDT65] SARNIGUET Natural Risk Prevention Plan (NPP), approved on 27/02/2019

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.11.27 00:00
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Dataset description

Vector scanning of SARNIGUET PPRN (65406). Digitisation resulting from the regulatory procedure, corresponding to the approved version. The major risks consist of the eight main natural hazards foreseeable in the national territory: floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, terrain movements, coastal hazards, avalanches, forest fires, cyclones and storms. The Risk Prevention Plans (PPR) were established by the Act of 2 February 1995 on strengthening the protection of the environment. The PPR tool is part of the Law of 22 July 1987 on the organisation of civil security, the protection of the forest against fire and the prevention of major risks. The development of a RPP is the responsibility of the State. It is decided by the Prefect. They contain three categories of information: • Regulatory mapping translates into a geographical delimitation of the territory concerned by the risk. This delimitation defines areas in which specific regulations apply. These regulations are easement and impose requirements varying according to the hazard level to which the area is exposed. The areas are represented on a zoning plan that fully covers the study area. • The hazards at the origin of the risk are contained in hazard documents which may be inserted in the presentation report or annexed to the RPP. These documents are used to map the different intensity levels of each hazard considered in the risk prevention plan. • The issues identified during the preparation of the RPP can also be annexed to the approved document in the form of maps. This lot covers regulatory mapping only (regulatory zoning, associated risks, and scope of study). Elements on hazards and issues are not available.
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