Simple download service (Atom) of the data package: Easement of Public Utility (SUP) EL9 des Pyrénées-Orientales

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Dataset information

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2021.04.14 00:00
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Dataset description

Public Utilities can be classified into four categories, according to their objectives:* heritage conservation easements;* easements relating to the use of certain resources and equipment;* easements relating to National Defence;* easements relating to public safety and health.This data standard provides a technical framework describing in detail how these easements can be dematerialised into a geographical database that can be used by a GIS tool and interoperable for separate territories.The scope of this standard of data includes the concepts of easements: the legal acts establishing them, the managers, the generators and the bases. At the same time in the preparation of this COVADIS data standard, a working group was held under the aegis of the DGALN whose aim was to produce methodological sheets describing the legal bases and geomatics aspects of each category of easement. These sheets complete with a more detailed business description of each easement the present standard and are online on the PND Urbanisme website.This COVADIS standard was developed using the standard SUP categories and the 2007 CNIG SUP model. This standard follows and complements the one on PLUs validated in 2010.This data standard is now to be used within MEDDTL and MAAPRAT to store, exploit and exchange data from the dematerialisation of SUPs.
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