Simple download service (Atom) of the data package: Environmental noise maps concerning road infrastructure managed by DIJON Métropole (3 rd deadline).

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.29 00:00
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Dataset description

The European Directive 2002/49/EC on the assessment and management of environmental noise sets out a common approach for all Member States of the European Union to avoid, prevent or reduce as a matter of priority the harmful effects of exposure to noise in the environment. It has been transposed into French law by order, ratified by the Law of 26 October 2005 and is now included in the Environmental Code. Pursuant to articles L572-1 to L572-11 and R572-1 to R572-11 of the Environmental Code, noise maps must be produced along road infrastructure operating more than 3 million vehicles per year (i.e. more than 8,200 vehicles/day). These so-called “strategic” noise maps allow for an overall assessment of exposure to noise in the environment. Given the extent of the territories concerned and the method recommended by the European Commission, these maps are based on a macroscopic approach to reality, but they cannot claim to correspond to reality, not least being not based on on-site measurements. The purpose of these maps is to inform and sensitise the public about their exposure to noise pollution. They also provide the competent authorities with objective diagnostic elements to underpin future actions, in particular in the areas of excessive noise exposure. The strategic noise maps of the third deadline concerning the major infrastructure of the national road and rail network were approved by the Prefect of Côte-d’Or by Order No 827 of 30 October 2018. This data batch contains all the data sets for type A, B and C maps for road infrastructure managed by DIJON Métropole. The datasets have been set up in accordance with the COVADIS data standard: Noise in the environment version 1.1 of 29 May 2017. According to the standard, datasets are cut by infrastructure. Data managed by Dijon metropolis.
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