Simple download service (Atom) of the data package: Low coastal areas at risk of marine submersion of South Corsica (2020-2100)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.02.22 00:00
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Dataset description

The Atlas of Submersible Areas (AZS) of Corsica or assessment of low areas potentially exposed to marine submersions (ZBPESM) of 2015 was revised in 2020. A BRGM study identifies coastal spaces potentially exposed to marine submersion due to their low altimeter coastline. These spaces are referred to as “low” areas. The new AZS was distributed by the DDT of Southern Corsica to the mayors of the department on 17/01/2022 for consideration in planning and planning decisions on the basis of Article R.111-2 of the Urban Planning Code. A regional doctrine specifies the requirements to be implemented according to the projects and their situation vis-à-vis the different areas. This atlas is part of a comprehensive approach to managing marine submersion risk and is a first step in knowledge of hazard. The data from this atlas may subsequently be supplemented by complementary hazard studies and the implementation of the Coastal Risk Prevention Plan (PPRL). This atlas includes 5 areas: — Red: Sector exposed to water heights above 50 cm for the baseline scenario, and therefore highly exposed to the risk of marine submersion — Blue: Sector exposed to water heights not exceeding 50 cm for the baseline scenario and therefore moderately exposed to the risk of marine submersion — Green: Sector not exposed for the baseline scenario but exposed to water heights below 50 cm for Horizon scenario 2100 — Purple hatched: 25 m precautionary bands at the rear of the mechanical impact and wave-related projections — Red hatched: 25 m precaution strips subjected to sea packets at the rear of mechanically impacted precautionary bands and wave-related projections (i.e. 50 m aft of the marker) Finally, for each area subject to the phenomenon of marine submersion, it is specified the marine level static offshore for a current centennial event and one centennial event for 2100 (i.e. taking into account the impact of global warming in the marine level).
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