Simple download service (Atom) of the data package: Noise classification and noise-affected sectors in the Loire-Atlantique in (2019) 2020 in Loire-Atlantique (road and rail network)

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Dataset information

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2021.02.02 00:00
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Dataset description

Noise classification of land and rail transport infrastructure and noise-affected sectors in Loire-Atlantique (2019) 2020 Noise classification of land transport infrastructure in the department of Loire-Atlantique: In each department, the prefect is responsible for identifying and classifying land transport infrastructure according to its acoustic characteristics and traffic (Articles L 571-10 and R571-32 to R571-43 of the Environmental Code). Land transport infrastructure is categorised into 5 categories, with category 1 being the noisyest. Each category is associated with a noise-affected sector width and a noise level to be taken into account by the manufacturers for the facade isolations to be implemented. The Order of 5 November 2020 revising the sound classification cancels and replaces the list of orders classifying land transport infrastructure in the department adopted between 19 May 1999 and 15 October 2018. Origin: The sound classification of transport infrastructure in the department of Loire-Atlantique was developed by a design office specialising in acoustics in accordance with the technical standards in force on the basis of the data provided by the infrastructure managers (SNCF Réseau, ASF, COFIROUTE, DIRO, Department, EPCI, Communes). The calculation is based in particular on traffic, the share of heavy goods vehicles, the pavement surface, speed. The ranking is based on traffic estimates at 20 years. Note the following limits on the accuracy of these layers: There is not always perfect overlay between sound classification and IGN (BD Ortho and BD Topo) repositories: there may be a discrepancy between the sound classification track and the areas affected by the noise, with the image plane backgrounds (SCAN25 or BDOrtho of the IGN as appropriate). Online mapping is provided for information purposes and only the tables annexed to the Prefectural Decree are authentic. Buffers are calculated from the centreline of the lanes, whereas in reality the limits of areas affected by noise must be calculated from the side of the road or the rail (source of noise), so one can have a few metres error for conventional roads and lanes, or even more for motorways. Partner organisation: DDTM of Loire-Atlantique
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