Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Electric charging stations in the Ardenne agglomeration community — Métropole

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.01 00:00
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Dataset description

The IRVE (Recharging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles) is a materialised system of terminals to supply the batteries of electric vehicles with energy. Several types of charging allow the batteries to be supplied: • Standard, so-called normal recharging is the preferred one for a lambda use of your vehicle. These are usually private charging systems (between six and ten hours of charging for a standard light vehicle). Its power is less than 7kVA. • Semi-accelerated or accelerated recharging is intended as a booster for occasional parking (between two and five hours for a full load). Its power is between 7 and 22 kVA. • Fast charging allows the battery to be fully charged in about 30 minutes and allows for the more comfortable use of an electric vehicle on long journeys. Its power is greater than 22 kVA. IRVEs can be installed in the public or private domain. A law to speed up the deployment of the national network of electric vehicle charging stations in public space was promulgated in 2014 (Act No. 2014-877 of 4 August 2014). In particular, it allows an exemption from fees for operators (state or private company) who install electric charging stations as part of a national project. Similarly, each operator must declare to the State the characteristics inherent to these IRVEs (Decree No 2017-26 of 12 January 2017). Some private companies and associations facilitate the installation of IVEs and associated services in the territory: ChargeMap/Saabre, Avere, etc...
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