Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Infracommunal demography in IRIS of the communes 2014 in the Somme

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.25 00:00
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Dataset description

Infra-communal demography in IRIS of the communes 2014 and population 2010 according to INSEE in the Somme. Municipalities with at least 10 000 inhabitants and most municipalities with 5,000 to 10 000 inhabitants are divided into IRIS. This division, which is the basis for the dissemination of sub-communal statistics, constitutes a partition of the territory of these communes into “neighbourhoods” with a population of about 2,000 inhabitants. By extension, in order to cover the whole territory, each of the municipalities not divided into IRIS is treated as an IRIS. There are three types of Iris Habitat Iris: their population is generally between 1,800 and 5,000 inhabitants. They are homogeneous in the type of habitat and their boundaries are based on major cuts in the urban fabric (main roads, railways, rivers, etc.). Activity Iris: they have more than 1,000 employees and have at least twice as many salaried jobs as the resident population. Miscellaneous Iris: these are large specific areas that are little inhabited and have a large area (recreation parks, port areas, forests, etc.). This division was drawn up in partnership with local partners, in particular the municipalities, in accordance with precise rules defined in consultation with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL). It is constructed on the basis of geographical and statistical criteria and, as far as possible, each IRIS must be homogeneous in terms of habitat. The IRIS offer the most developed tool to date to describe the internal structure of nearly 1,900 municipalities with at least 5,000 inhabitants.
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