Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Inventory of natural dune cords of the Finistère

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Dataset information

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2022.03.16 00:00
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Dataset description

The inventory of natural dune cords was undertaken in accordance with the circular of 7 April 2010 on measures to be taken following storm Xynthia. The circular instructed to identify protection systems against marine submersions, i.e. both artificial protective structures (digues), but also natural dune cords that contribute to a function of protecting populations against these phenomena of submersion. 42 sites were listed in the Finistère, and classified into 3 levels of priority for carrying out field visits and in relation to protected issues: • Priority 1 (23 sites): dune cords protecting urbanised areas or economic issues • Priority 2 (14 sites): dune Cords behind which priority 1 issues have not been identified (diffuse habitat, farmland, natural habitats) • Priority 3 (5 sites): cords behind which the altimetry of the zones is uncertain, to be reclassified later according to any clarifications resulting from the Litto 3D mission The inventory was carried out in accordance with the “preconisations for the census of coastal hazard defence structures and structures” of the methodological guide prepared by CETMEF in January 2011. This guide provides a unified framework for the various censuses of coastal structures, as well as a common typology of coastal structures. Each site is thus the subject of a fact sheet and photographs describing the state of the dune cord on the day of the census; they were then validated and supplemented by the territorial support centres in order to integrate their more precise knowledge of these sites and their characteristics, as well as their history, as well as any development work carried out in the past. This work will be completed in 2012 by the identification, also provided for in the circular of 7 April 2010, of coastal protection structures and facilities, including alternative methods, such as beach reloading, dune comfort, beach drainage or bypass. In 2014, a new update was carried out following the Litto 3D mission to integrate long profiles, profiles across and low areas (areas that can be impacted by the NMR Marine Reference Level: Sea level centennial + 20 cm). In addition, successive storms from December 2013 to March 2014 caused numerous coastal damage and submersions on or behind the cords. The fact sheets were supplemented by press articles, “event fact sheets” provided by the DDTM29 (PAM/UAM and PAT) and reports provided by the SIVOMs, the Town Halls, the Marine Natural Park of Iroise...
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