Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Nitrate Vulnerable Zones in Yonne

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.04.07 00:00
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Dataset description

Areas vulnerable to nitrates derive from the application of the Nitrates Directive, which concerns the prevention and reduction of nitrates of agricultural origin, which requires each Member State to delimit ‘vulnerable areas’ where the water is polluted or likely to be polluted by nitrates of agricultural origin. They are defined on the basis of the results of campaigns to monitor nitrate content in surface and groundwater fresh waters. Regulatory action programmes need to be applied in nitrate vulnerable areas and a code of good practice is implemented outside vulnerable areas. The data set shall set out, at the level of each municipality, the deadlines for bringing the manure to the standards with regard to the storage capacity of livestock manure. The data come from the table L_ZV_COM_S_FRH_2021 of the DRIEE Ile-de-France as well as data from the three water agencies covering the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region. Zoning at the municipal level resulting from the assembly of zoning in force at the regional level (zoning based on the by-laws designating the municipalities including the amending decree RM of 27/07/17 and the regional prefectural decree of 9/07/2018 and 4/08/2021). The zoning in force to date has been validated by prefectural decree of the coordinating prefects of the basin.
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