Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Noise classification road network (affected band) of the Alpes de Haute-Provence

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.04 00:00
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Dataset description

Noise classification sectors affected by the noise of land transport infrastructure in the Alpes de Haute-Provence department. The purpose of the sound classification is to systematically inform building manufacturers so that new buildings built on the edge of land transport infrastructure are isolated according to their noise exposure to them. This regulatory noise prevention system defines bands on each side of the sound classification tracks. It is ordered and published by the Prefect pursuant to the Order of 30 May 1996 and Article R571-32 of the Environmental Code, after consulting the municipalities. These areas ranging from 10 metres (category 5) to 300 metres (category 1) are areas where environmental noise levels exceed or are likely to eventually exceed a noise level of 60 dB(A) in daytime expressed in LAeq (6h-22h) due to land transport infrastructure alone. The areas affected by noise will have an impact on the constructions, in particular the acoustic insulation of the facade, and will be reported in the planning documents, without becoming a servitude. The width of the band is “standard” in the geographic layer. It must be adapted more precisely according to the exact configuration of the terrain.
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