Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Partial New-Aquitaine: Habitat Improvement Program (OPAH) — Communes (surface)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.29 00:00
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Dataset description

This dataset contains the boundaries of the municipalities attached to a Programmed Habitat Improvement Operation (OPAH) in the region of New Aquitaine. PLEASE NOTE: this dataset is not exhaustive on the perimeter of the region New-Aquitaine, it concerns the perimeter of the municipalities of the former Aquitaine region. Established in 1977, the Programmed Habitat Improvement Operations (OPAH) has been the main tool for the rehabilitation of urban centres and rural towns for the past 30 years. Other tools have been created to respond to territorial, technical and social specificities: declination of OPAH (rural, urban, degraded condominiums), General Interest Programmes (GIPs) and Thematic Social Programs (PST). A Programmed Habitat Improvement Operation (OPAH) aims to rehabilitate built heritage and improve housing comfort through grants, as well as to reclassify a neighbourhood, city, or rural area as a whole. They tend to improve the supply of housing, in particular rental accommodation and thus maintain or develop neighbourhood services in line with the PLH. The OPAH responds above all to a local project, carried out by the local authority concerned, which the State supports as part of the challenges of national solidarity and the fight against exclusion through housing, which it promotes. The OPAHs are designed and implemented jointly by the State (the Prefect of the Region sets priorities and allocates aid), the National Agency of H abitat (ANAH) and the authorities that sign an agreement. The agreement shall specify, in particular, the scope of intervention: the community concerned shall define these areas and set the objectives therein, in consultation with the ANAH. OPAHs can take place over 5 years (maximum time limit) with a minimum of 3 years. OPAHs are legally defined by Article L303-1 of the Construction and Housing Code (CCH). See also:
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