Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Perimeters assigned to louveterie lieutenants in the department of Seine-et-Marne

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.04.04 00:00
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Dataset description

The louveterie lieutenants are private individuals, volunteer collaborators of the administration and occasional collaborators of the public service. They are appointed by the Prefect of Department on a proposal from the Departmental Director of Territories and the Sea and on the advice of the President of the Departmental Hunters Federation for a renewable period of five years (Art.R 427-2 of the Environmental Code). They must be of French nationality and enjoy their civil rights, be under 75 years of age (Decree of 22 September 2009), have a hunting permit for at least five years, possess the necessary cynegetic competence to carry out their duties properly, in particular through their knowledge of life, the morals of wild animals, the biological balance to be maintained and hunting legislation and safety rules, reside in the department where they are appointed (or a neighbouring canton), have not been subject to a criminal conviction in respect of hunting, fishing and nature protection. They're sworn in. In the performance of their duties, the louvetiers must carry their prefectural commission and a badge representing a golden magnifying glass head with a blue enamelled hunting belt marked with the inscription “Lieutenant de louveterie” in gold. They undertake in writing to maintain, at their own expense, either a minimum of four common dogs for hunting boar or fox or at least two digging dogs. For the period 2015-2019, there are ten lieutenants of louveterie for the department of Seine-et-Marne.
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