Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Regulatory zoning of approved PPRs and hazards of prescribed Puy de Dome PPRs — 2017

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Dataset information

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2020.11.16 00:00
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Dataset description

Development control tools in areas exposed to natural risk, or technological are available in the Puy-de-Dôme in 4 legal forms from the date to which they have been approved. The most recent ones are the PPRNs referred to in L562-1 et seq. environmental Code and PPRTs referred to in L515-15 et seq. of the Environmental Code, — then the risk exposure plans (PER) created by the Law of 13 July 1982, they are worth PPR since Act No. 95-101 of 2 February 1995 on the strengthening of the protection of the environment, known as the Barnier Law, — the boundaries established for the prevention of a risk in application of a former article R111-3 of the Urban Planning Code; they've been worth PPR since the law. Barnier, These documents approved by prefectural decrees regulate land use or land use use by building prohibitions or requirements on existing buildings, or future (Constructive Provisions, Vulnerability Reduction Work, Use Restrictions) or agricultural practices...). This table delimits an area to which an approved RPP applies specific regulations and for prescribed RPPs at the scope of prescription or hazards to the knowledge of the communities concerned. Each PPR document that exists in this geographical table is linked with its GASPAR code in format "ddd[PREF|DDT|DDTM|DDTM| DREAL]aaaannnn" (AAAA and NNNN corresponding to the reference year and the number order of the associated PPR procedure in GASPAR).
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