Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) in the commune of Roquebrune sur Argens (Var)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.03.18 00:00
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Dataset description

The Risk Prevention Plans (P.P.R) codified in Articles L 562-1 to L 562-7 and R 562-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code, relating to the prevention of foreseeable natural hazards, the implementation of which is governed by Decree No 95-1089 of 5 October 1995, constitute one of the tools for the implementation of the State policy on flood prevention, which was redefined in the Interministerial Committee of 24 January 1994. This legislative and regulatory framework was supplemented by the Act of 30 July 2003. The Argens Basin suffered an exceptional storm event on June 15, 2010, causing serious damage. A plan to prevent natural flood risks related to the presence of Argens, Blavet and Fournel in the commune of Roquebrune sur Argens was prescribed on 8 September 2010. The Plan for the Prevention of Natural Flood Risks in the commune Roquebrune sur Argens was approved by prefectural decree of 20 December 2013. Depending on the hazard level, each area is subject to an enforceable settlement. The Regulation distinguishes different types of zones: — ‘red zones’, prohibition zones including sub-areas; — “blue zones”, areas subject to prescription including sub-areas; — low hydrographic areas where the level of exposure to risks is not specified in the RPRI; — areas of exceptional hazard. Regulatory zoning stems from the intersection of the hazard with urban issues. The hazard map (=height/speed crossing) was carried out by a Lidar modeling office, carried out on a Scan25©IGN2011. Adjustments were made to the parcel as part of the deferral of the regulatory zoning on a cadastral background. In addition, the regulatory map shows: — the low hydrographic areas which are the result of the Atlas of Inundatable Zones crossed with Exzeco (Extraction of Flow Zones) > 1 km²; — the exceptional hazard areas corresponding to a millennial hazard.
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