Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: STATE OF PLAY 2019 OF SURFACE WATER BODIES (WATERCOURSES) IN LARGE EAST

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Dataset information

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2021.03.30 00:00
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Dataset description

The European Union has set its Member States the objective of preserving and improving the status of surface waters. The definition of this state and its monitoring are laid down by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC of 23 October 2000 and the associated French regulations, in particular the Decree of 25 January 2010 on methods and criteria for assessing the ecological status, chemical status and ecological potential of surface waters. Surface water bodies are qualified by ecological status and chemical status: — ecological status, consisting mainly of biological status and physico-chemistry (general parameters such as dissolved oxygen, nutrients... and specific hazardous pollutants). — chemical status, determined by compliance with the environmental quality standards (EQS) laid down for “priority” substances (heavy metals, pesticides, etc.), having an impact on human health and the environment. As regards chemical status, it is in this layer of chemical state without ubiquists. Ubiquistic substances are chemicals emitted by human activities, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, present in aquatic environments at concentrations above environmental quality standards. As a result, they regularly degrade the condition of water bodies and mask progress made elsewhere. The substances considered to be ubiquitous are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), tributyltin, diphenyl etherbrominated and mercury. A new state of play was established in 2019 for the development of SDAGE 2022-2027. In the Grand East, the three large river basins (Rhin-Meuse, Seine-Normandie and Rhône-Méditerranée) present in the Grand East region have carried out these updating works. The objectives of the state of play are: * inform the public and stakeholders of the basin about the status of water bodies; * know the evolution and level of pressures and impacts resulting from human activities; * identify bodies of water on which there is a risk of not achieving environmental objectives (RNAOE) in 2027; * programme on these “problematic” watersheds actions to regain water quality through the Programme of Measures (PMP); this analysis is conducted on all water bodies by each water agency and basin DREAL. For more complete data and metadata on the results of the state of play, it is necessary to refer to the information available on the websites of the 3 water agencies present in the territory of the region. Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie: Rhine-Meuse Water Agency: Agence de l’Eau Rhône-Méditerranée: For the analysis of the state of the water bodies, you can also read the following article:
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