Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Table containing linear plates related to Grade I4 easements in Pas-de-Calais

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Dataset information

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2021.06.18 00:00
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Dataset description

Class I4 easements relate to easements in the vicinity of an overhead or underground power line. These are two categories of servitudes established by the Act of 15 June 1906 on energy distributions. the easements provided for in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of section 12 concerning all electrical energy distributions: — anchorage easement to permanently establish supports and anchorages for overhead electric conductors, either outside the walls or facades overlooking the highway, or on the roofs and terraces of buildings, — overhanging easement allowing electric conductors to pass over private property, — easement of passage or support enabling underground pipes to be permanently established, or support for aerial operators, on unbuilt private land, which is not closed by walls or other equivalent fences, — tree pruning and cutting easement to cut trees and branches of trees which, in the vicinity of overhead electric conductors, hinder their installation or could, by their movement or fall, cause short circuits or damage to the structures. These are easements that do not result in any dispossession of the owner who retains the right to demolish, repair, raise, close or build, subject to notifying the concessionaire one month before commencing the work. perimeters established pursuant to Article 12 bis on either side of an overhead power line with a voltage of 130 kilovolts or more and within which: — the following are prohibited: • residential buildings, • Traveller reception areas, • certain categories of establishments receiving from the public: reception facilities for the elderly and disabled persons, hotels and accommodation facilities, educational establishments, holiday camps, health facilities, penitentiary establishments, outdoor establishments. — may be prohibited or subject to requirements: • other categories of establishments receiving from the public, • installations classified for the protection of the environment subject to authorisation and manufacturing, using or storing oxidising, explosive, flammable or combustible substances, without, however, hindering the adaptation, rehabilitation or extension of existing ones, provided, however, that the capacity of inhabitants within the area of servitudes may not be increased. This resource describes the surface bases of Class I4 easements combined with their generators, i.e. all electrical power distribution facilities, including: — overhead electric conductors, — underground electricity transmission pipelines, — aerial conductors, — structures, such as processing stations, etc. Source: —NR— Vintage: —NR— Dissemination: Restricted
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