Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Territorial Directive for the development of the seine estuary

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2021.06.29 00:00
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Dataset description

The area of competence of DTAs is defined by the Urban Planning Code, as drafted prior to the Law Grenelle II In Article L 111-1-1:"Territorial planning directives may lay down, in certain parts of the territory, the basic guidelines of the State with regard to planning and balancing the prospects for the development, protection and development of the territories. They set out the main objectives of the State in terms of the location of major transport infrastructure and major facilities, as well as the preservation of natural areas, sites and landscapes. These directives may also specify, for the territories concerned, the application of the special provisions for mountain areas and coastal areas contained in Chapters V and VI of Title IV of this book, adapted to local geographical features.The territorial planning directives shall be drawn up under the responsibility of the State, on its own initiative or, where appropriate, at the request of a region, after consulting the Regional Economic and Social Council.The draft guidelines shall be drawn up in association with the regions, departments, municipalities and communes with more than 20 000 inhabitants and the groupings of municipalities responsible for spatial planning or urban planning concerned and the committees of mass groups. Their opinion shall be deemed to be favourable if it has not taken place within three months of their referral. These projects are subject to public inquiry under the conditions laid down by decree. The directives, which may be amended to take account of these opinions, are approved by decree in the Council of State. “Development of the DTAL’s Article 13 of the Law of 12 July 2010 on a national commitment for the environment, replaces the DTAs with the Territorial Guidelines for Planning and Sustainable Development (DTADD). It is a flexible reference document setting out the spatialised guidelines of the State in territories with national challenges in one or more areas. DTADDs are not enforceable. DTAs approved prior to the publication of the law remain enforceable. They can be put in the form of a DTADD when changes are made.
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