Simple download service (Atom) of the dataset: Water — Perimeters of Water Management and Planning Schemes in Loir-et-Cher

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.28 00:00
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Dataset description

The Water Supply and Management Schema (SAGE) is a collective planning document, for a coherent hydrographic perimetre, setting general objectives for the use, development, quantitative and qualitative protection of the water resource. It must be compatible with the Schema Water Supply and Management Managers (SDAGE).The perimetre and the time frame in which it is developed are determined by the SDAGE. In default, it shall be stopped by the prefets of the department, the case being decided on the proposal of the territorial collectivites of interest. The SAGE is established by a Commission Locale de l’Eau (CLE) representing the various actors in the territory, subject to a public investigation and is approved by the Prefet. He has a legal framework: the Regulation and its cartographic documents are enforceable against third parties and decisions in the field of water must be compatible or made compatible with the plan for the supply and sustainable management of the water resource. Planning documents (scheme of territorial coherence, local planning plan and municipal map) must be compatible with the objectives of protection defined by the SAGE. The schema departemental of the carrieres must be compatible with the provisions of the SAGE. The reference texts are Articles L.212-3 to L.212-11 of the Environmental Code and circular DE/SDATDCP/BDCP/No. 10 of 21 April 2008.
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