SUP EL11 — Servitude on access bans on motorways, express roads and agglomeration diversions in Meurthe-et-Moselle

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.03.19 00:00
Available languages
ddt54, servitudes, accès, limitrophe, el11, sup, données ouvertes, autoroute, utilité publique
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The generator of a public easement is a geographical entity whose nature or function induced, by virtue of regulations, constraints on the way the land is occupied on the surrounding land. The disappearance or destruction on the site of the generator does not result in the removal of the easement(s) associated with it. Only a new act of annulment or repeal by the competent authority may legally remove the effects of the easement(s) in question. Category EL11 easements relate to easements relating to access bans on properties adjacent to highways, express roads and urban diversions. These are easements relating to access bans on properties along highways, express roads and urban diversions. Article L.122-1 of the Highway Traffic Code defines motorways as “roads without crossings, accessible only at points designed for that purpose and reserved for mechanically propelled vehicles.” Article L.151-1 of the Highways Code defines express roads as “roads or sections of roads belonging to the public domain of the State, departments or municipalities, accessible only at points arranged for this purpose, and which may be prohibited to certain categories of users and vehicles.” The riparian properties of motorways, express roads and urban diversions do not have direct access to them. As regards express roads and agglomeration diversions, no access may be created or modified by residents, but prohibitions on existing access may only come into force after the restoration of service to the parcels concerned This resource describes the surface bases of the EL11 easements, i.e. the restricted areas on motorways, express roads and agglomeration diversions.
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