T1 railroad easement plates — digitised version DDT 43 — Haute-Loire — 2016

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DDT 43 (Direction Départementale des Territoires de la Haute-Loire), DDT 43, HAUTE-LOIRE, données ouvertes, open data
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Dataset description

Public utility easements (SUPs) are administrative limitations to the right to property. They are established for the benefit of public persons, concessionaires for public services or public works, private persons engaged in an activity in the general interest. The collection and conservation of public utility easements is a sovereign task of the State, which must bring them to the attention of local and regional authorities so that they may annex them to their urban planning documents. The public utility easements concerned are those defined by Articles L. 126-1 and R. 126-1 of the Urban Planning Code and their annexes. The T1 type SUPs concern the riparian properties of the railways and are established in areas defined by the Law of 15 July 1845 on the Railway Police and by Article 6 of the Decree of 30 October 1935, as amended, creating visibility easements on public roads. Texts in force: * Law of 15 July 1845 on the railway police — Title I: measures relating to the conservation of railways (Articles 1 to 11); * Road traffic code (created by Act No. 89-413 and Decree No. 89-631) and in particular the following articles: —L. 123-6 and R.123-3 relating to alignment on national roads, —L. 114-1 to L. 114-6 relating to visibility easements at grade crossings, —R. 131-1 et seq. and R. 141-1 et seq. for the implementation of decommitment plans on departmental or municipal roads. Only visibility easements at the crossing of a highway and a railway line are subject to a specific procedure of establishment, namely: •before 1989, by prefectural order after consulting the municipal council or, where applicable, the general council, •from 1989, by prefectural order or by deliberation of the general or municipal council, depending on whether it is a national road, a departmental road or a municipal road.
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