Dataset information
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servitude, générateur, point de captage, eau potable, as1, données ouvertes, protection
Dataset description
Category AS1 easements relate to relative easements resulting from the establishment of perimeters for the protection of drinking and mineral water.
Two categories of water protection easements should be distinguished, namely:
the protection zones established under Articles L. 1321-2 and R. 1321-13 of the Public Health Code around water collection points intended for the feeding of human communities, with a view to ensuring the protection of the quality of that water, whether it is the abstraction of spring water, groundwater or surface water (streams, lakes, retentions, etc.):
— immediate protection area whose land is to be acquired in full ownership by the beneficiary of the DUP and within which any activity is prohibited other than those expressly authorised by the declaratory act of public benefit;
— bounded perimeter unless there is no physical impossibility or natural topographic obstacle providing equivalent protection, a close protection perimeter within which all kinds of installations, works, activities, depots, works, works, landscaping or land use of such a nature as to directly or indirectly affect the quality of the water may be prohibited or regulated,
— where appropriate, remote protection area within which the above mentioned installations, works, activities, depots, works, land use or land use may be regulated.
the scope of protection established under articles L. 1322-3 to L. 1322-13 of the Code de la Santé publique around a source of mineral water declared to be of public interest, in order to avoid any alteration or reduction of that source. It is a perimeter within which:
No polling or underground work may be carried out without the prior authorisation of the State representative in the department,
— an obligation may be made to declare, at least one month in advance, excavations, trenches for the extraction of materials or any other object, foundations of houses, cellars or other open works,
— other activities, depots or installations likely to directly or indirectly affect the quality of the waters may also be subject to authorisation or declaration by the decree establishing the perimeter,
— the work, activities, deposits or installations mentioned above and undertaken, either by virtue of a regular authorisation or after a prior declaration, may, at the request of the owner of the source, be prohibited by the representative of the State in the department.
This resource describes the one-off generators of grade AS1 easements, i.e. the collection points or the mineral source
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